Submitted by Grant.
Native American Scorpion
Posted by admin at 6:26 AM 0 comments
Foo Dog / Fu Dog Tattoos - Foo Dog, Lion Dog, and Celestial Dog are all names given to the creatures that guarded the Buddhist temples of the Far East more than two thousand years ago. Foo dog is also called the Lion of Buddha (the lion being sacred in Buddhism), and was seen as the protector of Buddhist Dharma. Where the Foo Dog appears in tattoo designs today, it combines both lion and dog features, and is likely to be spotted with claws out and teeth showing, stalking imaginary demons.
Often depicted as fierce, the Foo Dog's face might occasionally appear mischievous or devilish, and sometimes the expression could even look serene. Some designs have both male and female holding a pearl in their jaws, while one or the other held a spear in its paw. This symbolized the tranquillity its presence would ensure by keeping away demon spirits from the place they guarded.
In ancient China, where artists may never have seen a real lion, they modeled their statues on the common dog, causing some confusion about its real identity. Whatever it looked liked, the Foo Dog, or lion dog, was seen as a fantastic creature with power to keep harm at bay.
As a tattoo design, the Foo Dog is often combined with the peony flower, and the Foo Dog itself represents the characteristics, strengths and virtues symbolized by the Lion. The Foo Dog symbolizes strength, authority, nobility of character, pride and justice and protection. It symbolizes guardianship - I will protect you and those ideals worth protecting.
See also: Lion of Buddha
Choose your own foo dog tattoo design from Find and buy the foo dog tattoo design that's perfect for yourself.
Posted by admin at 7:40 AM 0 comments
Getting Tattoo Mural on Sleeve?
There are several considerations to make before getting a tattoo mural on sleeve. Tattoo murals are a collage of tattoos, some on top of the others. There are people who are addicted to getting tattoos and they spend many hours in tattoo parlors getting tattoo murals.
Posted by admin at 9:50 AM 0 comments
5 Golden Rules on Choosing Your First Tattoo
Choosing first tattoo is a very serious affair and you need to think with a clear mind what you are going to ink on your body. We have heard of many people who have acted on impulse, walking into any parlor and choosing the first design that took their fancy. Well, let me assure you, that you will have regrets later. Tattooing is a permanent modification of your skin and you have to follow the five golden rules while choosing first tattoo.
Posted by admin at 9:50 AM 0 comments
Sexy Female Tattoo Design Ideas
There are many female tattoo designs, but finding a female tattoo design that fits your specific requirements is difficult. Even if you consider different sources for ideas, it is hard to find something that suits your taste or personality. When looking for female tattoo design, do not settle for the first tattoo design you come across. There are many designs to choose from and if you search hard enough, you will find what you want. Tattoos are permanent and you do not want something you will hate the following morning.
Posted by admin at 9:49 AM 0 comments
Ideas for Vine Tattoo Designs
Vines represent holiness and purity in different cultures and religions and this is the main reason for the popularity of vine tattoo designs. Vines also represent harmony, peace, progress, and growth. Before getting a vine tattoo, it is important that you research on what it means. This way, the tattoo will not be misinterpreted into what you did not intend it to mean and you will not need to undergo the costly and painful procedure of tattoo removal. Men and women can get vine tattoos, but most designs are for women because vines are not considered masculine.
Posted by admin at 9:49 AM 0 comments
Baby Angel Tattoo Designs
Angels can symbolize a religious belief or alternatively they can impart some protection and blessing and it is for these reasons that baby angel tattoos are becoming more popular. Most people who have experienced an awakening or religious rebirth might prefer having a baby newel design to show a new path or their growth. Using posture and countenance angels are able to project such feelings like righteous action and vengeance, mercy and compassion. Biblical mythologies or stories of angels often create the basis for bigger tattooed images and in case you have ideas of a big piece bearing angels, it is best that you show angels that display the characters that you really admire about angels or alternatively they could show a part of a particular story that caught your attention.
Posted by admin at 9:48 AM 0 comments
Cute Little Mermaid Tattoos
Many people say that the body makes for the deal blank canvases that the world can ever offer for such things as mermaid tattoos. Numerous forms of art are being created on people’s bodies presently. To people who do not want to have a colorless and dull life anymore often want to come back to life and have meaning and color in their lives as well as be able to show their feelings or their true self to other people, the beautiful and popular mermaid tattoo is the one that works for them.
Posted by admin at 9:48 AM 0 comments
Meanings of Aboriginal Tattoo Designs
Aborigines are people who originally came from Australia and they boast of unique cultural aspects among them the aboriginal tattoo. For quite a number of years, all of the diverse groups and tribes came up with unique cultures that were completely different from others in the world as well as from among themselves. Art bears much significance to them and this is religiously, personally and traditionally.
Posted by admin at 9:48 AM 0 comments
Creative Ankle Foot Tattoos for Girls
An ankle foot tattoo comes with incredible elements that make it very popular. Having this kind of tattoos will make many stand out because it is not often that people are tattooed on the ankle. This is owing to the fact that with shoes and socks, people can cover these designs and no one can notice. There are various downsides that come with having this kind of tattoo and the following is a look at some that should be considered before.
Posted by admin at 9:47 AM 0 comments
The Best Chinese Tattoo Meanings
Most people get fascinated by Chinese designs due to their unique Chinese tattoo meanings. They make use of semi-experienced translators, the online dictionary or free download for all the Asian words. Nevertheless, are you aware that all these are not credible? This is because your meaning can be turned into a joke or nonsense.
Philosophical Meaning- Chinese saying of David Beckham The best tattoo symbols are basically those with unique Chinese sayings. I have discovered that people prefer phrases and quotes that express truth. With the following that Chinese tattoos are gaining, more people are engaging the services of Chinese experts to get ancient wisdom and great quotes. David Beckham who is a celebrity is tattooed with good philosophical meaning which reads “Death and life have determined appointments. Riches and honor depend on heaven”. This has gained him much attention with the media. People praise him for being good with tattoos.
Posted by admin at 9:47 AM 0 comments
Types of Stylish Shoulder Blades Tattoos
Prior to my writing on different kinds of shoulder blades tattoos and their designs let us take a look back on a number of facts concerning tattoos generally. Skin marking or tattoo came to be about five thousand years ago. For hundreds of years people have had their bodies modified in this manner as a means of going from one stage to another, for religious purposes, to show fertility, to show individuality, love or sacrifice and so on. Every person has a special reason for getting tattoos to make a lasting statement as pertains to their meaning and lifestyle.
If you are of the opinion that tattoos are only for muscled and big men then you should revise it. Women the world over are beginning to see tattoos as something more than a kind of body art. Tattoos are not gender-based nor are there specific ones for women. The latter are now embracing tattoos such as skulls, birds, fish, butterflies, flowers, lizards, stars as well as other designs that lean on the abstract. Most of the feminine blade tattoos are attractive and delicate. However, it is now the norm to find women with abstract tattoos that are boldly colored and usually a preserve for men.
Posted by admin at 9:46 AM 0 comments
Getting Arabic Tattoo Designs
Many people are drawn to Arabic tattoo designs because Arabs stand out and this is with respect to their religion, culture and traditions. Theirs is a true pride in their heritage and when the Western world embraced the Arabic designs of tattoos, the Arabs living in Iran, Saudi Arabia and Iraq were quick to check this and oppose the possible insult.
• There are in total 18 letter shapes that are unique for the writings
• The shapes of letters will change to connect
• Used in traditional Arabic calligraphy these are the kinds of scripts. There is Farsi, Kufi, Deewani, Naskh, Req’aa and Thuluth.
Posted by admin at 9:45 AM 0 comments
Amazing Calligraphy Tattoo Designs
Tattoos, and among them the calligraphy tattoo presents the best form through which you can display your personality and your thinking. In case you look around in the body art shops in your locality you will find out that there exist quite a number of tattoo patterns and designs.
The most outstanding script that is used in the creation of these kinds of tattoos is called cursive writing that is also called grass writing. Some people also see elegance in the designs because they have free-flowing and slanting patterns. The letter patterns are in some instances woven so complicatedly that it could take observers quite sometime to figure out what as been written down. Running cursive writing is normally used when writing English letters.
Posted by admin at 9:44 AM 0 comments
Creative Celtic Tattoo Designs
Men and women can both benefit from good attractive Celtic tattoo designs. In the present day, the Celtic body art has evolved and many people are customizing the original designs to create tattoo designs that will fit their preferences and likes. Simplicity in designs of Celtic art is one of the merits that allow people to make what they want in this regard.
Posted by admin at 9:43 AM 0 comments
tattoo image
Anatomy Tattoo 2820 Northeast Sandy Boulevard Portland, OR 97232
fascinating anatomy tattoo design. Best Tattoo What Are Best Tattoos.
It is also not unusual for the person viewing the tattooed flesh to touch
Check out the original Anatomy Tattoos there, with some recent additions.

Tattoos for women are usually much prettier and a bit smaller than tattoos
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I also started another group on Flickr called Anatomy Tattoos
Posted by admin at 2:24 PM 0 comments
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